
2021年2月3日—HitherewhatistheWHEA-counter:2intheprocessinglist?ThatrecognizingWheaerrors?Clicktoexpand...alsowhyisthisthing ...,WHEAincrementstheerrorcountfortheECCmemorypage.IftheerrorcountexceedstheMemPfaThresholdregistryvalue,WHEAfirstcallsthesystemmemory ...,2017年5月7日—WHEA=Unstable,thusyourconclusiontoupthevoltagewascorrect.IfsuchaWHEAerroroccuredduringanapplicationoragame,youcan ...,20...

ClockTuner 2.0 for Ryzen (CTR) Guide and download

2021年2月3日 — Hi there what is the WHEA-counter: 2 in the processing list? That recognizing Whea errors? Click to expand... also why is this thing ...

How WHEA Performs PFA on ECC Memory

WHEA increments the error count for the ECC memory page. If the error count exceeds the MemPfaThreshold registry value, WHEA first calls the system memory ...


2017年5月7日 — WHEA = Unstable, thus your conclusion to up the voltage was correct. If such a WHEA error occured during an application or a game, you can ...

Ryzen 7 5800X - lot of WHEA errors

2020年11月9日 — I received new Ryzen 5800X today and find there is lots of WHEA errors in HWinfo64 - CPU Bus/Interconnect errors, nothing is crashing, no BSOD..

whea (WinDbg)

2023年10月26日 — whea 擴充功能會顯示最上層的Windows 硬體錯誤架構(WHEA) 資訊 ... Count : 8 Record Count : 10 Record Length : c3e Error Records ...

WHEA Count

2016年1月26日 — WHEA counts the amount of Windows Hardware Error Architecture errors that occurred. Such errors are serious - hardware failures of various ...

WHEA Count | Page 2

Now you might want to check in the main window (will need to disable Sensors-only mode if used) - walk thru the PCI Bus, find that device and check what's ...


2023年10月31日 — These technologies allow Intel to count device visits and traffic sources, so Intel can measure and improve the performance of our ...

CPU-Z 2.00 檢測 CPU資訊的小小工具

CPU-Z 2.00 檢測 CPU資訊的小小工具



